
Those mysterious wanderers, the Rroma(aka the Cygany, aka Gypsies).
Nineveh and Its Remains
Austen Henry Layard rediscovered the remains of the Assyrian civilization, in present-day Iraq, in the vicinity of Mosul.
Nineveh and Its Remains is his chronicle of his adventures in the Middle East in the 1840s. Fascinating shit, especially his accounts of the Yezidi, Chaldeans and Kurds.
'Yakoub Rais, who was naturally of a lively and joyful disposition, could not restrain his tears as he related to me the particulars of the massacre. He had been among the first seized by Beder Khan Bey; and having been kept by that chief as a kind of hostage, he had been continually with him, during the attack on the Tiyari, and had witnessed all the scenes of bloodshed which is so graphically described. The descent upon Asheetha was sudden and unexpected. The greater part of the inhabitants fell victims to the fury of the Kurds, who endeavored to destroy every trace of the village. We walked to the church, which had been newly constructed by the united exertions and labor of the people. The door was so low, that a person, on entering, had to bring his back to the level of his knees. The entrances to Christian churches in the East are generally so constructed, that horses and beasts of burden may not be lodged by Mohammedans within the sacred building. A few rituals, a book of prayer, and the Scriptures, all in manuscript, were lying upon the rude altar; but the greater part of the leaves were wanting, and those which remained were either torn into shreds, or disfigured by damp and water. The manuscripts of the churches were hid in the mountains, or buried in some secure place, at the time of the massacre; and as the priests, who had concealed them, were mostly killed, the books have not been recovered. A few English prints and handkerchiefs from Manchester were hung about the walls; a bottle and a glass, with a tin plate for the sacrament, stood upon the table; a curtain of coarse cloth hung before the inner recess, the Holy of Holies; and these were all the ornaments and furniture of the place.'
-Austen Henry Layard 1854
Iraqi Resistance speech on videotape December 13 2004
Rush transcript-
Communiqué Number 6
The media platoon of the Islamic Jihad Army. On the 27th of Shawal 1425h. 10 December 2004
People of the world! These words come to you from those who up to the day of the invasion were struggling to survive under the sanctions imposed by the criminal regimes of the U.S. and Britain .
We are simple people who chose principles over fear.
We have suffered crimes and sanctions, which we consider the true weapons of mass destruction.
Years and years of agony and despair, while the condemned UN traded with our oil revenues in the name of world stability and peace.
Over two million innocents died waiting for a light at the end of a tunnel that only ended with the occupation of our country and the theft of our resources.
After the crimes of the administrations of the U.S and Britain in Iraq , we have chosen our future. The future of every resistance struggle ever in the history of man.
It is our duty, as well as our right, to fight back the occupying forces, which their nations will be held morally and economically responsible; for what their elected governments have destroyed and stolen from our land.
We have not crossed the oceans and seas to occupy Britain or the U.S. nor are we responsible for 9/11. These are only a few of the lies that these criminals present to cover their true plans for the control of the energy resources of the world, in face of a growing China and a strong unified Europe . It is Ironic that the Iraqi's are to bear the full face of this large and growing conflict on behalf of the rest of this sleeping world.
We thank all those, including those of Britain and the U.S. , who took to the streets in protest against this war and against Globalism. We also thank France , Germany and other states for their position, which least to say are considered wise and balanced, til now.
Today, we call on you again.
We do not require arms or fighters, for we have plenty.
We ask you to form a world wide front against war and sanctions. A front that is governed by the wise and knowing. A front that will bring reform and order. New institutions that would replace the now corrupt.
Stop using the U.S. dollar, use the Euro or a basket of currencies. Reduce or halt your consumption of British and U.S. products. Put an end to Zionism before it ends the world. Educate those in doubt of the true nature of this conflict and do not believe their media for their casualties are far higher than they admit.
We only wish we had more cameras to show the world their true defeat.
The enemy is on the run. They are in fear of a resistance movement they can not see nor predict.
We, now choose when, where, and how to strike. And as our ancestors drew the first sparks of civilization, we will redefine the word “conquest.“
Today we write a new chapter in the arts of urban warfare.
Know that by helping the Iraqi people you are helping yourselves, for tomorrow may bring the same destruction to you.
In helping the Iraqi people does not mean dealing for the Americans for a few contracts here and there. You must continue to isolate their strategy.
This conflict is no longer considered a localized war. Nor can the world remain hostage to the never-ending and regenerated fear that the American people suffer from in general.
We will pin them here in Iraq to drain their resources, manpower, and their will to fight. We will make them spend as much as they steal, if not more.
We will disrupt, then halt the flow of our stolen oil, thus, rendering their plans useless.
And the earlier a movement is born, the earlier their fall will be.
And to the American soldiers we say, you can also choose to fight tyranny with us. Lay down your weapons, and seek refuge in our mosques, churches and homes. We will protect you. And we will get you out of Iraq , as we have done with a few others before you.
Go back to your homes, families, and loved ones. This is not your war. Nor are you fighting for a true cause in Iraq.
And to George W. Bush, we say, “You have asked us to ‘Bring it on’, and so have we. Like never expected. Have you another challenge?”
I am both bemused and frightened by Creationism.
Equally frightening would be kiddie white supremacist sites.
Clockwork Orange soundbites
But, that is just a preamble to hearing underground rapper Cage's Agent Orange (Realmedia), which is dope.
I've found Special Radio. What have you done with your life?
(This is a Russian internet-radio station. The most interesting channels being the sixth and eighth buttons, in my humble opinion)
"You are not a forsaken offshoot of physical matter, nor is your consciousness meant to vanish like a puff of smoke. Instead, you form the physical body that you know at a deeply unconscious level with great discrimination, miraculous clarity, and intimate unconscious knowledge of each minute cell that composes it. This is not meant symbolically."
Session 512, Page 8-9, from Seth Speaks
"What exists physically exists first in thought and feeling. There is no other rule. You have the conscious mind for good reason. You are not at the mercy of unconscious drives unless you consciously acquiesce to them. Your present feelings and expectations can always be used to check your progress. If you do not like your experience, then you must change the nature of your conscious thoughts and expectations. You must alter the kind of messages that you are sending through your thoughts to your own body, to friends and associates."
Session 609, Page xvii, from The Nature of Personal Reality.
These are quotes from Seth, the nonphysical personality channeled via Jane Roberts (pictured above as a miniature sculpture, found here... crazy). But for some real info check here.
Don't forget the LUBE!!!
There’s a quaint smell of wood-burning stoves in the neighborhood. Within these immense Capitol Hill (Seattle) homes the blue-light of flickering televisions illuminates the front rooms, where housecats watch, from safe windowsills, the passing sniffing dogs on leashes. You walk with your jacket collar up because winter is coming on, and the cold wind carries the scent of the ocean from down along the bay-coast, a few miles away.
The streets are quiet this evening, except for some Mexican polka music being pumped out of a parked car, its doors open wide, in front of an apartment building. The Mexicans stand around smiling, smoking cigarettes.
“Do you have another cigarette, by chance?”, you say, feeling in your pocket for change, ready to give him a quarter.
“Yea.”, he wears a Mariners cap, and seems to be having a good night- still smiling with his friends as he holds out the pack for you.
“Thanks.”, you smile politely and hand him the quarter, though he never asked for it. You momentarily considered saying ‘Gracias’, but decided it might’ve seemed silly- as in, ‘See, I’m down, I’ll speak your language, I’m a cool gringo’.
You walk on, after getting a light from the Mexican (the lighter seems to have a pin-up girl on it, wearing nothing but knee-high black boots), and look up at the already dark sky, its 6pm wintertime. The moon hovers silently over the city-scape. That image of the pin-up girl made you realize that you need to get laid.
Then, walking down 21st avenue, you find a half-torn note laying on the damp sidewalk. Always curious about random lost notes and objects, you pick it up and stop for a moment under the street-light, smoking your Marlboro Light cigarette, to read the random message.
The beginning is the part that is torn off and so it starts mid-word:
‘-brator, needs 2 Cs. Don’t forget LUBE!!!’
Wow, sex everywhere. You chuckle about the capitalization of ‘lube’ and the subsequent exclamation points. It is as if the lube had been forgotten before, which must’ve led to disastrous circumstances. So this time, they were not going to forget. You pocket the note and decide that you’ll put it up on the fridge when you get home, for the other housemates to wonder at. You even decide that you’ll pretend to know nothing about where it came from, everyone’s immediate assumption will be to blame your one gay housemate, from which will ensue uncomfortable hilarity. You’re giggling to yourself as you make a left on Marion St. and angle yourself up the steep hill home.
The Brown Buffalo
This is Oscar Zeta Acosta (most typically known as Hunter S. Thompson's lawyer, but he is far more interesting than that). Read his 'Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo' or 'The Revolt of the Cockroach People'. You will not be disappointed, and may feel the need to go insane and lash out against society. Acosta is an anomaly in the history of modern man, a true individual. Strangely, you are likely to find his books in your local library, no shit.
Context A
Frequently to be found wandering around downtown,
Very soon to be doomed,
This deer-eyed hair-dyed butterfly was wondering why, in this life, we are…
So damned likely to be crushed to death by a passing metro bus, what the fuck.
Context B
Generously carressing said dyed-hair one distant night,
In the darkness.
I felt like strangling her
Or throwing her in front of a passing metro bus.
Context C
I saw her at a coffeeshop on fourth avenue that day,
I watched her drink her latte from across the street, mournfully.
I decided not to speak to her and silently wished her the best, or, atleast,
Not to get hit by a passing metro bus later that day.
Context D
Joshua knew me from Adam, meaning he knew my name and so he said,
“Taylor, I was on the #4 today, coming from the C.D., when
the driver hit some unsuspecting girl. I don’t know who,
I was just passing by on a metro bus, you know.”
Context E
Sometime during a time of watching television in the afternoon,
An image of a bus on the screen got me thinking,
I could just hop on a bus and go see her and
Her deer-eyes and woman-smile, at that moment being hit head-on by a
Passing metro bus.
D'Annunzio: Poet/Revolutionary/'Fiumanist'
Gabriele D'Annunzio was first a celebrated Italian poet (in the vein of Byron), and then became a military leader who single-handedly (Him and his Arditi) took over the contested city of Fiume (now-a-days in Croatia), immediately after the first World War. Over 18 mounths D'Annunzio and his Fiume remained independent of Yugoslavia and Italy, devising a radical constitution based on a unique form of anarcho-syndicalism (nominally called 'Fiumanism'), trying to create an 'Anti-League of Nations' that would be made up of the newly emerging Third World countries and former colonies of the world.
Do yourself a favor (especially the discontented revolutionaries of this planet) and research this man, Gabriele D'Annunzio.
[I apologize for the linked article about him being in Italian, its difficult to find decent articles about him in English. Just learn Italian, fucko.]
Or you could read this biography in inglese, tho it is expensive.
On a related note, the Futuristi are fascinating.
Dan Sullivan is a man of mystery. Once, having recently uncovered the long buried remnants of the ancient Assyrian civilization, he said to me:
"Are you an alcoholic?! Why dont you check yourself, muthafuckah!"
And, by the way, I am not speaking of this Dan Sullivan, just case you give a shit. In fact, this is the real Dan.
Often lazy, sometimes sullen- I seem to remember smoking a joint with Woody Harrelson while I was dressed as Hunter S. Thompson. But that might've been just a dream, maybe back in October. Since then I've been ambling through mossy northwest rainforests, collecting psilocybin and watching the skies. Ahem. Enough drug-references for now.