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Detni Essekra

Khaled is the shit. The best thing to come outta the Middle East since they gave us science and algebra ('us' being this decaying Western Civilization)[note- 'algebra' itself is obviously an Arabic-derived word].
Cultural mythos aside, Khaled is all class; especially check Detni Essekra- since I am ignorant of Arabic, I've always imagined him to be singing a love-song about the pleasures of cigarettes in this one- Listen, he atleast mentions cigarettes, I know it! Every other song is about me and my plight as a sentient being- as far as I'm concerned anyhow.
On an unrelated note: All Seattle residents and those interested in how to found a lucrative city on the frontier should read William C. Speidal's Sons of the Profits. He's very delicate about the fact that Seattle was funded and grew because of the prostitution industry (the whores would kindly raise money for many city projects and the Puget Sound loggers were more than generous with their contributions), but the book is good.
Oh, by the way, we ARE all going to die someday.


My Posse's on Broadway

So I saw Sir Mix-a-lot at Nuemo's last weekend. And I just had to say that his posse's on Broadway.
The headliner, tho, was the great band Children of the Revolution. No one can beat a belly-dancer, a fiddle-player and flamenco dancing. We drank and 'moked with the band till 4am at the belly-dancer's crib. Good times.
Sir Mix-a-lot didn't come. But atleast he did a hardcore speedmetal version of "Baby got Back" at Nuemo's that night. Word. To your mutha.


The Republic of Cascadia and its Bureau of Sasquatch Affairs
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